Category Room Rent Total
Permanent Member & Senior Citizens Rs 700 + GST 12% Rs 784.00
Other Category Members Rs 850 + GST 12% Rs 952.00
Accompanied Guest Rs 1500 + GST 12% Rs 1,680.00
Unaccompanied Guest Rs 2,300 + GST 12% Rs 2,576.00
Category Room Rent Total
Permanent Member & Senior Citizens Rs 990 + GST 12% Rs 1109.00
Other Category Members Rs 1,350 + GST 12% Rs 1,512.00
Accompanied Guest Rs 2,000 + GST 12% Rs 2,240.00
Unaccompanied Guest Rs 2,495 + GST 12% Rs 2,795.00

Other category members include Spouse (L), Life(M), Temporary (T), Honorary (H), Green Card (G), NRI (N), Corporate (C), Tenure (U), Resident Member(R)
Electricity Charges will be as per actual consumption.

For Members

Category Charges
Monthly Basis Rs 400
Daily Basis Rs 25/- per head
Casual Members/Guests Rs 125/- per-head per-day
Lawn Tennis/Squash/Gym
Category Charges
Monthly Basis Rs 200
Daily Basis Rs 25/- per head
Casual Members/Guests Rs 125/- per-head per-day
Category Charges
For Members Rs 30/- per-hour
Casual Members/Guests Rs 100/- per-hour
Table Tennis
Category Charges
Monthly Basis Rs 75
Daily Basis Rs 20/- per head
Casual Members/Guests Rs 50/- per-head per-day
Category Charges
Monthly Basis(Regular Player) Rs 150
Daily Basis Rs 20/- per head
Casual Members/Guests Rs 50/- per-head per-day
Charges For 20mins Usage
Category Charges
Permanent & Senior Citizen Member Rs 100
Other Category Member Rs 150
Guests Rs 300

The members are requested to apply in writing for booking of Hall for parties. With the permission of the Secretary, a member may book designated areas of the Club for a private party. Any gathering of more than 15 persons will be considered a party and will be organised on first floor or the Ball room, depending on the strength. Charges may be revised by the Secretary with approval of the Executive Committee. The present charges are as under :-

Party Hall Charges
Particular Charges for strength less than 50 Charges for strength more than 50
Member's party Rs 1000 /- inclusive taxes Plus Guest Charges Rs 2000 /- inclusive taxes Plus Guest Charges
Party of Member's Guest Rs 5000 /- inclusive taxes Rs 10000/- inclusive taxes
Additional Staff Charges for Parties
Extra Staff 20 to 50 person party Extra charges to be paid by member 51 to 75 person party Extra charges paid by member for party 76 & above person party Extra charges to be paid by member
Cook 1 400 1 400 2 800
Cook Helper 1 300 1 300 1 300
Waiter 2 600 3 900 4 1200
Masalchi 1 300 1 300 1 300
Total Rs 1600 + Taxes Rs 1900 + Taxes Rs 2600 + Taxes

Note: Party will be permitted only if the member who has applied is present.

Membership Charges
S.No. Particulars Permanent Member Life Member(Scrapped) Temporary Member Honorary Member Senior Citizen Honorary Spouse Member Corporate Member NRI Member Green Card Member Tanure Member Annual Resident Member Mess Members
1 Application Fee 2000 2000 2000 - - - 2000 2000 2000 500 2000
2 Registration Fee 20000 20000 20000 - 20000 20000 20000 2000 20000
3 Entrance Fee 20000 500000 20000 5000 20000 - 300000 300000 20000 - 1000
4 Mandatory Contribution 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 - 20000 20000 20000 -
5 Refundable Security 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 50000 40000 3000 3000 10000
6 Building Fund 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 600 1200
7 Staff Welfare Fund 200 250 400 200 200 160 3100 2100 200 160 1350
8 Diwali & New Year Bonus 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500
9 Annual Subscription 1200 1800 3600 720 36000 24000 1200 720 15000
10 GST(18%) 11718 98235 12186 4626 7308 335 68904 66564 11718 446 7209 180
Total 79818 646985 82886 33326 51008 5915 501704 476364 79818 7926 57259
11 Dependent subs(Per month) 50 75 150 50 30 150 50 30 100
Yearly Subscription(Incl) 3658 4425 6726 826 826 3044 48144 32804 3658 2336 21299 1180


  • Defence Tenure members when elect. as Permanent Members then the Entrance F. will be Rs 10.000 and all other charges are applicable.
  • Corporate Co can nominate four Senior Executives and the subscription of each nominee is Rs 36.000/-+ tax and change of nominee is Rs 50.000/-
  • Waitlist. candidate if elect. as Senior Citizen Member, then initial charges will be as of Permanent Member, except annual subscription.
  • Entrance fee will be charged once at the time of memberhip When elected Permanent Member. only difference if any and other charges will be charged.
Party Room Charges (Inclusive Tax)
Particular Charges for strength less than 50 Charges for strength more than 50
Member's party Rs 1000 /- inclusive taxes Plus Guest Charges Rs 2000 /- inclusive taxes Plus Guest Charges
Party of Member's Guest Rs 5000 /- inclusive taxes Rs 10000/- inclusive taxes
Member Guest Charges Rs 60 Per Head
Unaccoumpained Guests Charges Rs 280 Per Head